Sunday, September 22, 2013

On Minimalism: If I had to move today...

...what would I take?

Borrowing from, I took time to ask myself this very question, going from room to room in my house. I came up with these items:

  1. One week of clothing + coat
  2. Three pair shoes (work heels, running shoes, flip-flops)
  3. Instruments
  4. Antique books
  5. Computer/external monitor/office chair
  6. Television (my husband's after all)
  7. One set of sheets
  8. Three blankets (throw, wool layer, quilt)
  9. Two towels
  10. My recliner
  11. Bed
  12. Best yarns in my stash, or those with planned projects only
  13. Area rug
  14. Suitcases
  15. Hygiene stuff
  16. Treadmill
  17. Yoga mat
  18. Holiday decorations (in one tote)
  19. Cleaning supplies
  20. SCA gear
It's interesting in looking over the list, just how much I don't need. I've started cleaning out the garage--took a whole load of stuff to Goodwill--and another pile will go to trash in the morning (whatever wasn't usable). I'll keep tackling a room of the house each week until I am truly down to the very minimal amount necessary. 

As to my 333 challenge, this is what I have to date. It is by no means complete, but it's a start in versatility.

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