Saturday, May 1, 2010


Hello to one and all; It's been a long time since I've written and though I really shouldn't be taking time to write at the moment (I should be cleaning!), I just feel like it.

The school year is almost over, but it doesn't feel like it should be. This semester has completely flown by and summer is looming on the horizon. With it, comes work--I'll be pulling overnight shifts at a local factory. We're also planning on moving in the next week or so; there's so much to be done and I'm not sure where the time is going to come from to do it.

In the crafting world, I finished the ruby cardigan! I wear it any time the weather permits--which, with as rainy as it's been this week, has been frequently. For the summer, I'm looking to convert a poncho or shawl pattern into a skirt to use up some of the lace sampler I purchased earlier this year.

That, and I'm working on a pair of socks ("From Russia with Love"), two sweaters ("Staghorn" and "Zelda"), and a counterpane bedspread. I'm going to be busy this summer! :)

Until next time,
